Hi, I’m Kelly! I’m so excited to be a part of the Cincinnati ISR team and look forward to teaching in Milford, starting in March of 2023. I first heard about ISR through someone else’s tragedy. After following Morgan Beck and Bode Miller’s story on the news, I immediately looked into getting my 2 and 4-year-old registered for ISR in 2020. We are around water a lot so being water safe was/is very important to me! I was also expecting our 3rd child at the time and being outnumbered, especially around water, is a scary thing.

I really became passionate about ISR after watching all 3 of my kids, but especially my 11-month-old (at the time) become skilled. It is just the coolest thing watching a baby roll over to float. Knowing they are safe around water and have self rescue skills is the best gift we can give them and ourselves as their parents. I am proud to support the mission of “not one more child drowns”. Welcome and let’s get you registered!
